The Open Catalog of Test Smells


Search for a test smell using the search or the sidebar — works with test smells descriptions too — if you already know what to look for. If not, you may browse by category in the left panel. Download options (PDF and EPUB) are available in the Read the Docs menu (bottom of left panel). There is a lot to see!

The catalog provides a visualization of the data set compiled in a Multivocal Literature Review published here. Initially, the catalog unifies information from 127 formal and informal sources. As the catalog is open-source, any community member can submit a contribution as a pull request and help improve it.

Every listed test smell contains a name, AKA (when available), definition, code example (likely extracted from the listed references), and the listed references, which of course provide further information. We expect the catalog to be a helpful resource for software testing community members to better understand test smells. Furthermore, it may help avoid proposing new names (AKA) to existing test smells in an overlap.


Please help us keep this Catalog updated and contribute with your own test smell findings.

Send in your helpful comments or ideas to or contribute directly by clicking Edit on GitHub in the top right corner of this page.

If you are not familiar with directly editing, give us a new issue! Click here and create a new GitHub issue


Test Smell Categories