7 Layer Testing


  • Numerous tests depend on the functionality of a single unit, typically incidentally. A single change in the code often breaks many tests in the build. Often exhibits itself when a team finds that even trivial changes to a system results in exorbitant effort to get back to a green build.

Code Example:

// Subject under test
var _ = require('lodash')
function annualProfit (year) {
  return _.sumBy(_.range(1, 13), function (month) {
    return monthlyProfit(year, month)

function monthlyProfit (year, month) {
  return _.sumBy(_.range(1, 32), function (day) {
    return dailyProfit(year, month, day)

function dailyProfit (year, month, day) {
  var transactions = repo.find({year: year, month: month, day: day})
  return _.sumBy(transactions, function (transaction) {
    return transactionProfit(transaction)

function transactionProfit (transaction) {
  return Math.round(transaction.price - transaction.cost)

// Test
module.exports = {
  computesAnnualProfit: function () {
      {year: 2016, month: 3, day: 14, price: 55.44, cost: 80.30},
      {year: 2016, month: 6, day: 20, price: 9.33, cost: 4.00},
      {year: 2016, month: 12, day: 31, price: 112.48, cost: 100.24},
      // Bad year:
      {year: 2015, month: 3, day: 14, price: 999, cost: 0}

    var result = annualProfit(2016)

    assert.equal(result, -8)
  computesMonthlyProfit: function () {
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 1, price: 108.99, cost: 70.45},
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 15, price: 208.13, cost: 133.55},
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 31, price: 90.00, cost: 80.03},
      // Bad month:
      {year: 2016, month: 6, day: 14, price: 999, cost: 0}

    var result = monthlyProfit(2016, 5)

    assert.equal(result, 124)
  computesDailyProfit: function () {
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 12, price: 19.44, cost: 18.11},
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 12, price: 21.40, cost: 22.01},
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 12, price: 998.10, cost: 907.20},
      // Bad day:
      {year: 2016, month: 5, day: 1, price: 999, cost: 0}

    var result = dailyProfit(2016, 5, 12)

    assert.equal(result, 91)
  computesTransactionProfit: function () {
    var transaction = {price: 33.22, cost: 20.11}

    var result = transactionProfit(transaction)

    assert.equal(result, 13)
  afterEach: function () {

// Fake production implementations to simplify example test of subject
var repo = {
  __transactions: [],
  reset: function () {
    repo.__transactions = []
  saveTransactions: function (transactions) {
    repo.__transactions.push.apply(repo.__transactions, transactions)
  find: function (criteria) {
    return _.filter(repo.__transactions, criteria)


Quality attributes

  • - Code Example

  • - Cause and Effect

  • - Frequency

  • - Refactoring