Duplicate Assert


  • This smell occurs when a test method tests for the same condition multiple times within the same test method. If the test method needs to test the same condition using different values, a new test method should be created. As a best practice, the name of the test method should be an indication of the test being performed. Possible situations that would give rise to this smell include (1) developers grouping multiple conditions to test a single method, (2) developers performing debugging activities, and (3) an accidental copy-paste of code

Code Example:

public void testXmlSanitizer() {
    boolean valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritzbox");
    assertEquals("Fritzbox is valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Pure ASCII test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritz Box");
    assertEquals("Spaces are valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Spaces test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Frützbüx");
    assertEquals("Frützbüx is invalid", false, valid);
    System.out.println("No ASCII test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritz!box");
    assertEquals("Exclamation mark is valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Exclamation mark test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritz.box");
    assertEquals("Exclamation mark is valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Dot test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritz-box");
    assertEquals("Minus is valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Minus test - passed");

    valid = XmlSanitizer.isValid("Fritz-box");
    assertEquals("Minus is valid", true, valid);
    System.out.println("Minus test - passed");


Quality attributes

  • - Code Example

  • - Cause and Effect

  • - Frequency

  • - Refactoring