Overcommented Test


  • Overcommented Tests dene too many comments, obfuscating the code and distracting from the purpose of the test.

Code Example:

DebuggerTest >> #testUnwindDebuggerWithStep
  "test if unwind blocks work properly when a debugger is closed"
  | sema process debugger top |
  sema := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
  self assert: sema isSignaled.
  process := [sema critical:[sema wait]]
  forkAt: Processor userInterruptPriority.
  self deny: sema isSignaled.
  "everything set up here - open a debug notifier"
  debugger := Debugger openInterrupt: ’test’ onProcess: process.
  "get into the debugger"
  debugger debug.
  top := debugger topView.
  "set top context"
  debugger toggleContextStackIndex: 1.
  "do single step"
  debugger doStep.
  "close debugger"
  top delete.
  "and see if unwind protection worked"
  self assert: sema isSignaled


Quality attributes

  • - Code Example

  • - Cause and Effect

  • - Frequency

  • - Refactoring